Another one who didn’t make it

with Veronica Pinelli
written by Francesco Arienzo, Veronica Pinelli, Marco Renzi
directed by Francesco Arienzo

The documentary you’ll never see on Netflix
You know one of those documentaries on Netflix where there’s the Jennifer Lopez type who opens up to her audience about her failures, anxieties and fears, and she does it sitting on a couch trying to remain humble despite the fact that that couch cost $130,000? Here, now imagine Veronica Pinelli. – And who is she? You may wonder. Exactly. She is a woman like Jennifer, with one very slight difference: her life is made up ONLY of failures, anxieties and fears. It is the story of someone who all her life dreamed of the red carpet and got only doormats. Yes, because Veronica has always pursued celebrity as a stalker, but celebrity has had a restraining order issued against her. Only when she decides to ally herself with her worst enemy, frustration, “Another One Who Failed” is born, the solo of failure, the tale of a woman whose only consistent talent over time has been as pyrotechnic as a firework: failing spectacularly.

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