by and with Gabriele Bonafoni, production Ripescati dalla Piena

In an age of continuous desemantization where we brandish words in our hands while waving others around, where the term ‘politics’ has been stripped and clothed in decidedly outsized costumes, where the individual has supplanted the community, can it be, anything, too political?
Too Political is a walk through a series of monologues in verse, a new arrangement of a selection of political songs, a small and intimate street demonstration by the light of incendiary bottles and in which one can, perhaps, see oneself again in some lapilli, in some flame; or see who knows one’s own experience reflected on some shard of glass.
Because no, we are never alone, and if it is our experience that we see, then it will be someone else’s experience as well.

Free admission, reservations on DICE

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