Stories from the world

Readings for girls and boys ages 4 and up
Edited by Apis

How many ways are there to travel? So many, but our absolute favorite is reading. You can reach all over the world. In a moment you can land on the other side of the Ocean, in the middle of the savannah or inside an igloo. You can even go to the moon, to Pluto, to unexplored places of dreams and stars.
“Stories from the World” aims to be a time for sharing and inclusion of readings related to different cultures and places on our planet. To find out together how life is lived in other countries of the world, and above all, to make all the boys and girls in the audience feel represented and discover something new.
The hour-long meeting will be led by two professional actresses who have been working closely with the world of childhood and reading for years. Their proposed bibliographic selection will include stories concerning the cultures of every continent…and beyond!

Evento inserito all’interno di Libro mosso, frutto della collaborazione tra mosso, Apis, B-Cam e Cinevan, finanziato da Fondazione Cariplo.

Free admission without reservation

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