Poems but not too much

With Valeria Perdonò and Lorenzo Maragoni
Edited by The Poetry Menu

If we were to define what poetry is today, what words would we use? If we were to think about how to write a poem, how to read it, and also how to spread it, would we succeed?
“Poems But Not Too Much” is the title of Poetry Slam champion Lorenzo Maragoni’s poetry collection (Inner Poetry Editions) but it is also an approach, a lifestyle, literary, philosophical and even a bit of survival. To look for poetry even where it is not, to learn to reevaluate the role of poetry in a social and literary sense, to bring poetry to the theater, but also to the dinner table and among people.
Lorenzo Maragoni actor, writer, poet and poetry slam champion and Valeria Perdonò actress and organizer, co-founder of The Poetry Menu will dialogue about this and more, presenting Maragoni’s poetry collection and offering us samples of Poetry Menu.

Free admission, reservations on DICE.
Compulsory membership card (5 euros). A minimum voluntary artistic contribution of 10 euros is recommended

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