Otherwise I disappear

Edited by Sara Zanobbio and Tobia Rossi
With Lorenzo Blaconà, Edoardo Casonato, Anna Maria Ciuffreda, Martina Corea, Elena De Micheli, ElenaSofia Falsini, Filippo Geri, Federico Longoni, Stefano Marcuzzo, Martina Medici, Gabriele Mucciolo Miriana Giovanna Saja, Anastasia Zarbo
Loribel Auditor Sabrina Velotto
In collaboration with FringeMI Festival Milano, Fondazione Ravasi Garzanti, IED Istituto Europeo di Design

First study of Franco Parenti Theater’s Permanent Theatre Workshop (for girls and boys ages 18 to 26)
An original and unpublished work on the theme of the intergenerational relationship: a complex, controversial, sometimes hostile dialogue, but one that, perhaps because of that, hides secret truths about the times we live in, about the concepts of beauty, wealth, identity and the future.
After research and in-depth work on the theme of “The Great Age, Together,” and after participating in meetings with Umberto Galimberti, Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet and Massimo Recalcati, the thirteen young people from the workshop, led by director Sara Zanobbio and playwright Tobia Rossi, bring to the stage the choral tale of a generation. A pop parable, a dramaturgical and scenic invention created site specific for the Milan FringeMI Festival, a first study that plays with paradox, confronts the prejudice of young people about the elderly in order to progressively dismantle it and
Drawing unexpected connections, discoveries and reflections.

Free admission without reservation

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