DIFFUSED FESTIVALS – A new organizational format for a different cultural policy

Presentation of the book DIFFUSED FESTIVALS – A new organizational format for a different cultural policy
Davide Verazzani talks with authors Andrea Minetto and Silvia Tarassi and other guests

What are Diffused Festivals? Why are they called that? What do Pianocity, Artweek and FringeMI have in common?
The format of so-called “diffused festivals,” with its peculiar characteristics, has soon stabilized as one of the most innovative cultural models of the past decade and has now become a real instrument of cultural policy based on “bottom-up” participation and involvement of the territory.
Also a consequence of a decrease in available public resources, diffused festivals have in fact represented a unique paradigm shift in the role of the public institution: from direct organizers of cultural initiatives to mediators and facilitators of the creative energies of cities.
With the analysis of many experiences and testimonies, this book is the first to systematize a model of cultural organization that has not only changed the sense of participation in our territories but also goes far beyond the concept of “diffused” as an exclusively geographical feature.

Free admission, reservations on DICE

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